Vocal Motion Show Choir is currently accepting email auditions for our new semester starting January 11th & 12th. We specifically have spots open for the following classes:
Junior Company (Spots available for Boys and Girls 6th-9th Grade) Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 PM
Senior Company (Spots available for Boys 9th-12th Grade) Tuesdays 7:00-8:15 PM
Youth Company is full*. Wednesdays 4:00-5:15
*We do accept auditions for all ages 8-18 and they will be placed on a waiting list so if we open up spots, they will be accepted. So please send in an audition if you are interested! We will do our best to accommodate all those who are accepted.
Email audition videos to [email protected]. (See audition tab for audition instructions)
Auditions are due by January 2nd (New extended deadline), but are reviewed and placed in the order they are received (so the sooner the better).
Registration fee is $35 and includes a Music Binder and personalized VM Shirt. This is due at time of registration once student is accepted and placed into a company.
Please call Brittany at 801-891-6431 with any questions.